Music festival vendor application open date bestival

We appreciate your interest in becoming a vendor at the Voyage Music Festival! We are excited to bring together diverse vendors to create an exceptional experience for our attendees. Please take a few moments to complete this form to express your interest in participating as a vendor. Your response will help us understand your offerings and how they align with our festival's atmosphere and values.

Note: All booth spaces are outdoors and tents are required, all tents must be pre-approved and must be commercial grade.
Food Concessions: Must meet SC-DHEC regulations (if you are not sure, please call)

Tent Rental Fees: 10'x10' $450.00 / 10' x20' $ 675.00 / 20'x20' $925.00 Duration of Event (other sizes please call)
Sidewalls / Lighting / Tables / Chairs / Extension Cords (are NOT included, please call for pricing)

Vendor agrees to:

  1. Payment in full before the agreed deadline (all deposits are due 1 month before event) *deposits are non-refundable (excluding total event cancelation)
  2. Any signage or promotional items must be pre-approved by TRZ
  3. Employees: The vendor agrees to have their employees operate a booth or display while the event is open to the general public and to keep their area clean and orderly
  4. Promote only products or services in this application; space is not subleased.
  5. All Vendors must be on location at least 2 hours before opening and can not break down the booth until after the duration of the event.
  6. Vendor: Shall maintain Insurance through-out event date(s) and agrees to hold harmless and-Indemnify: TRZ MANAGEMENT LLC. (certificate of insurance will be required)

Depending on dates and deadlines, some options may not be available; please confirm with a sales representative before signing this application.

TRZ Management reserves the right to deny any application, If your application is denied, you will be contacted via email or phone call

Sales Concession Fee: 20% of Gross sales

($500 deposit VS 20% of gross sales)

Other Vendor: Please call for pricing

**Deposits are non-refundable once approved.

W9 available upon request