Regular vendor’s licenses are obtained at the Auditor’s office.
A regular vendor’s license is issued to vendors with a fixed place of business and is only good for one location. The application fee is $25.
Vendor’s licenses are only transferable if you change the physical location of your business within the same county. If you move your business to another county, change your name, incorporate or add a partner, a new vendor’s license is required. If you change your trade name or d.b.a. name, a new license is not required.
A vendor’s license can be cancelled by completing the appropriate information on a final Ohio sales tax return indicating the last day of business.
Adams County sales tax rate is 7.25%
Delivery (sales based on delivery of goods and certain services at consumer’s location), Transient (vendors who transport stocks of goods to temporary places of business in order to make sales), and Service (computer services, landscaping, private investigation, 900 numbers, exterminating service, building maintenance, janitorial service, employment service, etc.) vendor’s licenses are obtained through the State of Ohio. For more information contact the Ohio Department of Taxation at
Population 27,698
Parcels 21,826