Book Material Colours

Each book document filed with the Court of Appeal for Ontario must have the front page and back page with the following colours:

Civil appeals
Type of Court Document Colour
Appeal Book and Compendium buff
Respondent’s Appeal Book buff
Supplementary Appeal Book buff
Exhibit Book buff
Factum of the Appellant white
Factum of the Respondent green
Respondent’s Compendium green
Transcripts red
Factum of the Intervenor white
Fresh Evidence orange
Joint Book of Authorities yellow
Appellant’s Book of Authorities white
Respondent’s Book of Authorities green
Civil motions
Type of Court Document Colour
Moving Party Motion Record white front and light blue back
Moving Party Supplementary Motion Record white front and light blue back
Moving Party Factum white
Moving Party’s Book of Authorities white
Responding Party Motion Record green front and light blue back
Responding Party Supplementary Motion Record green front and light blue back
Responding Party Factum green
Responding Party’s Book of Authorities green
Fresh Evidence orange
Joint Book of Authorities yellow

Each book document filed with the Court of Appeal for Ontario must have the front page and back page with the following colours:

Criminal appeals
Type of Court Document Colour
Appeal book (solicitor, inmate, non-inmate) buff
Crown’s Appeal Book (Crown appealing or responding to appeal) grey
Supplementary Appeal Book buff
Crown’s Supplementary Appeal Book grey
Factum of the Appellant blue
Factum of the Respondent green
Appellant’s Compendium yellow
Respondent’s Compendium pink
Transcripts red
Factum of the Intervener white
Fresh Evidence sealed envelopes
Factum for Fresh Evidence sealed envelopes
Appellant’s Book of Authorities blue
Respondent’s Book of Authorities green
Joint Book of Authorities yellow
Criminal motions
Type of Court Document Colour
Moving Party Motion Record white front and light blue back
Moving Party Supplementary Motion Record white front and light blue back
Moving Party Factum blue
Moving Party’s Book of Authorities blue
Responding Party Motion Record green front and light blue back
Responding Party Supplementary Motion Record green front and light blue back
Responding Party Factum green
Responding Party’s Book of Authorities green
Fresh Evidence sealed envelopes
Factum for Fresh Evidence sealed envelopes
Joint Book of Authorities yellow